75% of Students Leave the Faith in College

Ratio Christi equips high school students to beat the odds.

The Problem

High school students today are inundated with information and ideas, many of which are contrary to sound Biblical principles.

Research shows that nearly 95% of teens in America have access to a smartphone, meaning that the objections and challenges against Christianity they encounter are easier to find and more sophisticated than ever before.* Not only does this leave students vulnerable to influence from dangerous ideas, but it also makes it increasingly difficult for students to know what is true, let alone know how to actively and winsomely share their faith with others.

*McDowell and Wallace, So the Next Generation Will Know

The Solution

RCCP High School Chapters

Ratio Christi College Prep (RCCP) chapters are an ideal place for high school students to learn how to navigate all the information they encounter from a Biblical worldview. They will discover the historical, scientific, and philosophical evidence for Christianity; be equipped to effectively respond to questions about and objections to the claims of Christianity; and become confident ambassadors of Christ. Through intentional engagement with the biggest questions of life

Students are equipped to stand for truth and change the culture for Christ.

What does an RCCP Chapter look like?

Chapters are led by RCCP Chapter Directors who have a heart for serving students and who recognize the strategic importance of reaching the next generation through training in apologetics, evangelism, and biblical worldview.


Equip Students With Reasons to Follow Christ

Each chapter typically meets weekly, covering topics from “Does God exist?” and “Did Jesus really rise from the dead?” to “How do I share the Gospel?” and “How do I talk to my LGBT+ friend?”

RCCP chapters can be established at a local school, homeschool group, in a church, or even with students from around the community. While the emphasis of RCCP is primarily on apologetics and evangelism training, apologetics functions best within relationship, so we encourage Chapter Directors to also provide opportunities for relationships to flourish through mentoring, evangelism outreach, and fellowship times.